Announcing our Princeton x DeSo: Web3 Startup Competition with over $50,000 in prizes! RSVP to Live Stream

The Decentralized Social Blockchain

Welcome to the
Social Layer of Web3

DeSo is a new layer-1 blockchain built from the ground up to decentralize social media, and scale storage-heavy applications to billions of users.

New! Want to list $DESO? We now offer an Exchange Listing API to add $DESO to your platform.

Also see our Listing Information Sheet with All Listing Assets.

Backed by proven investors

Go beyond DeFi with DeSo

The only blockchain that can power storage-heavy applications

Social applications generate a lot of data, and existing blockchains are not equipped to store & index that data.

DeSo unlocks the next frontier for blockchain infrastructure

DeSo was built from the ground up to scale one of the biggest untapped markets for blockchain: Social Media.

100% open-source &
100% on-chain open data

100% of all code & data are completely open. All posts and social graphs on DeSo are stored directly on-chain.

Built to power storage-heavy (infinite-state) applications

Infinite-State Blockchains


Infinite-state apps generate new data with every transaction that has to be stored and indexed. For example, social apps generate data with every post, like, follow, etc...

DeSo is the only blockchain that can power infinite-state apps by combining financial primitives with cheap content storage.

Finite-State Blockchains


Other blockchains can only power storage-light "finite-state" apps like DeFi, where data & storage stay constant with each transaction. Can you imagine if every post, like, follow, etc... cost you $0.15+?

Expanding web3 from finite-state apps like DeFi, to infinite-state apps like social & marketplaces is now possible with DeSo.

Cost of storing 200 characters (less than a tweet) of on-chain state













Read full details & calculations in our published article (see Appendix)

On-chain content stored on the DeSo blockchain

All profiles
All posts, threads & comments
All private messages between users (E2E-encrypted)
All likes & follows
All social token activity
All social tipping activity
All NFT activity & NFT bids
All DAO activity
All $DESO transfer activity
Links to all rich media (videos, images)
All profile blocks (coming soon)
All profile verifications (coming soon)
All raw images & videos (coming soon)



Total Txn Volume




Total Supply


Explore the ecosystem

With DeSo, you can create one profile, and take your identity, content and social graph with you across any app across any chain.


Content is stored on the DeSo blockchain, so you can own your content like you own your Bitcoin.

Decentralized identity

Your profile, followers, content and social graph carry over across hundreds of apps across all blockchains.

Own your content

Your content is controlled with your public/private keys, and you can use end-to-end encrypted to prevent any middle-man from seeing it.

Monetize from day one

Start earning with new primitives like NFTs, DAOs, Crypto Tips, Social Tokens, and so much more.

Building apps on DeSo

The path to building the next big web3 application couldn't be easier.

Develop using web2 programming languages

Interact with the DeSo blockchain using familiar programming languages like Javascript, Python, Ruby on Rails, and more.

Solve the cold-start problem

Tap into an open-firehose of millions of wallets, profiles, and content from day one of launching your application.

Engage users with money-native primitives

The DeSo blockchain enables developers to build on a variety of money-native features like NFTs, DAOs, Social Tokens, Crypto Tips, Paid DMs & more.

// Install deso.js (Javascript SDK)
> npm install deso-protocol
// Create (mint) an NFT
import Deso from 'deso-protocol'
const deso = new Deso()

const request = {
   "UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check": null,
   "NumCopies": 1,
   "NFTRoyaltyToCreatorBasisPoints": 100,
   "NFTRoyaltyToCoinBasisPoints": 100,
   "HasUnlockable": false,
   "IsForSale": false,
   "MinFeeRateNanosPerKB": 1000

const response = await deso.nft.createNft(request)

DeSo makes it possible to (very easily) build on-chain...

Social Networks
NFT Marketplaces
DAO Tooling
Order-Book Exchanges
Token-Gated Experiences
Creator Monetization Tools
Social Analytics
Fundraising Platforms
End-to-End Encrypted Messengers
NFT Minting Sites
Internationalized Social Feeds
Long-Form / Blogging Platforms

...and monetize with features like Social Tokens, NFTs, DAOs, Crypto Tips, Paid DMs, Fee-Based Transactions and more!

Integrate the social layer with DeSo Identity™

DeSo Identity™ provides a self-custodial, decentralized wallet & identity solution for developers. Learn more

Login with DeSo

(it's the easiest onboarding in all of web3)

Integrated with MetaMask

Provide frictionless, one-click signup to over 30+ million Ethereum users with MetaMask.

Mainstream-Friendly Google Login Option

For mainstream users, a one-click Google login is available with keys securely backed up to Google Drive.

E2E-Encrypted Messaging

Thanks to DeSo's storage-heavy advantages, it's the only blockchain to support full end-to-end encrypted messaging.

Derived Keys Support

Derived keys makes it easy to issue temporary keys to enable features like subscriptions.

100% Self-Custodial Wallet

Your Keys = Your Content. Create a wallet using a unique 12-word mnemonic seed phrase.

Looking to fund your project?

The DeSo Foundation launched DAODAO, a social-first web3 fundraising platform. You can raise money by accepting ETH, SOL, BTC, DESO, USDC & more. USD treasury coming soon!

Start Fundraising

Run your own DeSo node

Anyone can run a DeSo node and download a full copy of all the data, with real-time updates, without needing to ask for permission and without the risk of being de-platformed.

Run a Node

The roadmap to decentralizing social

This roadmap summarizes all the exciting initiatives that are coming both in the immediate future, and a little further out. For a more detailed view, please read this.


The Social Layer of Web3


MetaMask Integration


DeSo Dollar (Stablecoin)


USD Treasury on DAODAO

Up Next

MegaSwap Launch: Stripe for Crypto

Up Next

Our Signal-Killer

(On-Chain E2E-Encrypted Group Chats)


New COO Joins


The Internet of DeSo

Q2 2023

Exchange Listing Blitz for $DESO

Launched ahead of schedule!

Long-Form Content Standard

Q2 2023

Our Patreon-Killer

(Private On-Chain Content E2E-Encrypted)

Up Next

Decentralized Verifications

(On-Chain Associations)

Q2 2023

Email My Followers Capability

Q2 2023

The Decentralized Web & DeSo Vaults



Q1 2023 Re-design Launches

Q1 2023

Integration with Major NFT Platforms

Q2 2023

Cross-Chain Social - Integrate Wallets SOL/AVAX/NEAR

Q1 2023

DeSo x Princeton Hackathon (Confirmed)

Q2 2023

Our Reddit-Killer

Forum Standard on DeSo

Q2 2023

Creator Coins
Redux v2

Q2 2023

Coin Split
for $DESO

Q1 2023


Mentioned in

Supported by the DeSo Foundation

The DeSo blockchain is supported by the DeSo Foundation, whose broad mission is to support the decentralization of social media. The foundation is led by crypto veteran Nader Al-Naji (@nader, @nadertheory), with a $200 million treasury behind it to support its mission.

Connect with DeSo